How to make Grocery Shopping Fun + Kimchi Tacos

How to make Grocery Shopping Fun + Kimchi Tacos

A lot of my food inspiration comes when I’m grocery shopping. I even love to try new grocery stores when I’m traveling just to check out their local selection. All those aisles and shelves of ingredients to make delicious dinners are like a wonderfully varied buffet. Browsing through the options leaves my brain spinning with delicious possibilities.

Believe me, I don’t always have the time to slowly browse, but when I do you can bet I let my foodie brain take over! I go into the grocery store with the goal of finding one new or fun food item to try that week. It’s like a treasure hunt – but I never know what the treasure is until I see it!

This week it was kimchi. I spied a new brand of it and even though I’ve never tried it before, something about the jar of packed vegetables in a spicy brine made me put it in my cart. I walked along a few more aisles, still considering my options.


Kimchi sandwich?
Kimchi sausage hoagies?
Kimchi fried rice balls?


Then in the refrigerator section, I spotted fresh tortillas and I just knew: Kimchi Tacos.

My favorite dinner recipes are those that only take a few ingredients and come together quickly but are over-the-top with flavor. This recipe is a mish-mash of a few I found on Pinterest and simplified—it’s what I do best! The kimchi is so flavorful that you won’t want to combine it with a lot of different ingredients.

Remember, the next time you are feeling dread at the thought of having to go to the grocery store, turn it into a treasure hunt!

Kimchi Tacos Recipe

Time: 30 Minutes

Serves: 4

  • 1 lb ribeye steak
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • 3 green onions, sliced
  • 8 fresh uncooked corn tortillas (found in refrigerator section)
  • 6-8 eggs
  • Hot Sauce

Slice the steak as thinly as possible. Toss in a small bowl with the soy sauce and sliced green onions. Marinate 30 minutes.

Sauté steak slices over high heat until no longer pink. Remove from heat and let rest 5 minutes.
Start heating the tortillas over medium-high heat in a cast iron pan. (if possible!)

Fry eggs slowly over medium heat in butter until softly done.
Chop kimchi if desired.

Assemble your kimchi tacos:

Layer steak, then kimchi, then top with a fried egg.





Finish with a few splashes of hot sauce!


The post How to make Grocery Shopping Fun + Kimchi Tacos appeared first on Urban Southern.

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