Get Ready for Summer With Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream

Get Ready for Summer With Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream

Meet Stephanie Spring, one of our Urban Southern ladies! Stephanie is a teacher, blogger, and newlywed who tries to live each day with a thankful heart. Today she’s sharing one of her most popular recipes with us, and we think you’re going to love it.

Who’s Ready for Summer?

They say April showers bring May flowers, but I also hope they bring warmer weather along for the ride! For the last few weeks, the temps have hit 80 degrees in Central PA. If this is a foreshadowing of what’s to come this summer, you can count me in! I’m a summer girl through and through. I love the refreshing food, the sunshine, and long days at the pool. I crave it all throughout the year and get beyond excited as it approaches!

I love seeing people outside exploring God’s playground with less technology and spending time together face to face. I think the real reason I crave it all is that it takes me back to the basics and reignites my senses. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s just the way I like it.

Summer is for Ice Cream

If you follow my blog, it’s no secret that food is one of my love languages and taste is one of my favorite senses to seek and discover. As the thermometer keeps moving up, there is a sweet treat that makes my mouth water at just the thought of its creamy goodness.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for, ICE CREAM! You know the drill. 😉 Although, I don’t think you have truly lived until you have tried a bite of my Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream.

Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream

In my mind, ice cream is the quintessential summer treat. I think the variety of flavors is one of the best features about this dessert. Depending on my mood, the flavor I choose can be up for discussion. My go-to has always been mint chocolate chip ice cream. It’s light and refreshing with a hint of sweetness. On days where I crave something sweeter, Phillie’s Graham Slam is one I’m known for scooping seconds. However, Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream raises the bar to an entirely different level! It’s during the summer months where the craving comes back around, and all of my taste buds remind me why ice cream is my favorite treat.

The sense of taste seems to heighten during the summer months where all things are fresh and new. As the years have passed, my craving for spicy flavors has increased like I never expected. Maybe I have my hubby to thank for that? Either way, when I found myself spooning a bite of this ice cream, and going for seconds, then thirds (you get the picture), I knew this delight had to make an appearance more than once in our home. We had a similar creation at a restaurant years ago, and I was determined to recreate our own concoction. With the help of an automatic ice cream maker, this recipe is a game-changer and leaves zero to be desired (except more in your bowl!)

Whether you are showering a loved one for their big day, sprinkling a new mama-to-be with a surprise party, or simply trying to unwind after a long day at work, a bowl of Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream is the perfect addition. It packs a punch of spice with a rich chocolate combination. The bite-sized morsels add a touch of crunch that compliments the dish like no other. Top a cone with two or three generous scoops or fill your bowl to your heart’s desire! No toppings are needed because when you have a good thing, keep it that way! It’s sure not going to disappoint standing alone in all its glory!


○ 2 cups whole milk
○ 1.5 cups heavy cream
○ 1.5 tsp vanilla extra
○ 1 tsp ground cinnamon
○ 1/8 tsp cayenne
○ pinch of sea salt
○ 2/3 cups sugar divided
○ 5 large egg yolks
○ 6 ounces of Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate
○ 2/3 cup of Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Morsels (for adding as it churns)


1. In a medium saucepan combine the milk, heavy cream, vanilla, 1/3 cup sugar, and spices on medium-high heat. Whisk.

2. While it’s heating in a medium bowl, combine the egg yolks and 1/3 cup sugar. Whisk until combined and thickened.

3. In a large bowl pour all the (6 oz) chocolate morsels and set aside.

4. When the cream mixture comes to a light boil, remove from heat. Pour 1/3 cup of the hot mixture into the yolk mixture. Whisk.

5. Add another 1/3 cup hot mixture into the yolk mixture and continue whisking. Pour mixture back into the saucepan and return to low heat.

6. Stir for about three minutes until the mixture begins to thicken slightly. Make sure the mixture does not come to a boil, or the yolks will become egg-like.

7. Once thickened, pour mixture through a fine-mesh strainer into the bowl of chocolate morsels. Whisk the combination until smooth.

8. Bring to room temperature. Once it is cooled, cover and refrigerate at least 1 to 2 hours or overnight.

Freezing the Ice Cream

9. Follow the directions of your ice cream maker to freeze the blended ingredients.

10. With five minutes remaining in the churn, pour in the 2/3 cup morsels.

Once the ice cream has finished thickening, pour it into an airtight freezer safe container. Place in freezer for 2 hours or until desired consistency.

Remove from freezer 10 minutes before ready for serving. Scoop and serve! ☺️ Enjoy!

The post Get Ready for Summer With Mexican Double Chocolate Ice Cream appeared first on Urban Southern.

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