This time last year, we posted about taking the time to reflect on where our journey had taken us over the year and where we hoped we were headed. We enjoyed it so much we've decided to make it a tradition!
We feel it's a great way to start our year off with gratitude and intention. We're also looking forward to the opportunity to look back and reflect (many years from now) on how we've grown as a business and family.
2020 was a tumultuous year, to be sure, and our hearts are with anyone who was touched by tragedy or hardship over the course of it. But there was beauty in 2020 as well.
Neighbors helped neighbors, businesses got creative in order to serve their customers, and people found new ways to connect with loved ones. And we all probably learned at least one new thing about ourselves!
So we’re sitting down with the talented and lovely Sadie Smoker, Urban Southern store manager and social media director, to reflect on what she’s learned about herself this year.

Hi, Sadie! In just a few words how would you describe your journey with Urban Southern from January to now?
I definitely saw a lot of growth over that time, both personally and for the business. It’s been really exciting to see how local awareness of Urban Southern has taken off this year. I feel like the opportunities with Urban Southern, where we can go as a company - that’s really exciting as well.
So, if I had to choose a few words to describe this year, I’d probably say growth, excitement, and opportunity.
What is something you accomplished this year that you’re proud of?
I set a goal to provide really excellent customer service, both here, in the shop, and online. Based on the growth in brand awareness from word of mouth recommendations and direct feedback from our customers, I feel pretty confident in saying I succeeded in what I set out to do.

What is the most important thing you learned about yourself this year?
That stressing about stuff doesn’t make a difference! The less I focus on the stressful stuff the better things seem to go.
If you could go back and do one thing differently in 2020, what would it be?
I have this big pile of clothing stored in my spare bedroom that I've been meaning to consign for the longest time. When the lockdown started, I washed and sorted all of them but then...I lost my motivation for the project!
I put them all back in a big pile and avoided looking at them and am still avoiding looking at them! So, if I could go back in time, I would not procrastinate and do the things I never had time for before or after lockdown.
What was something you did or tried for the first time in 2020?
I bottle-raised kittens for the first time which was a super rewarding experience. I would bring them to work with me and feed them on my breaks. It was fun having them in the shop and the customers loved them!

What is something that happened in 2020 that you never expected?
Well...I mean, it would have to be COVID. Nobody expects quarantine!
As a small business we were pretty lucky though. We’d had a completely new website and e-commerce setup in the works for months and it launched just as everything shut down. So we were super thankful to have that ready to go so things were running smoothly when our customers needed it most.
What is your favorite memory from this year?
My favorite memory from this year has to be when JJ & Jena were adopted into the family! The adoption day and adoption party, all of it was so special.

2021 Intentions
What is something you want to do or try for the first time in 2021?
In 2021 I would like to run a 1/2 marathon! I was training for a half last year and then it didn't work out so I would like to finally cross that off my list in 2021.
What is something you want to do less of in 2021?
I really want to be more intentional with how I spend my free time. For most of this year, it felt like, “well, we’re stuck at home, there’s nothing to do but watch Netflix,” but that gets old, you know?
So I want to be mindful that I’m using my free time for physical activities and things that make me feel restored and fulfilled.
What is something you’d like to get better at in 2021?
Proofreading my captions on Instagram! I make so many typos!

Alright friends, now it's your turn to reflect on your own journey this year and where you want to go in the new one! For easy copy & pasting, here are the questions we used:
Your 2020 Reflections
- In just a few words, how would you describe your journey from January to now?
- What is something you accomplished this year that you’re proud of?
- What is the most important thing you learned about yourself this year?
- If you could do one thing differently about 2020, what would it be?
- What was something you did or tried for the first time in 2020?
- What is something that happened in 2020 that you never expected?
- What is your favorite memory from this year?
Your 2021 Goals
- What is something you want to do or try for the first time in 2020?
- What is something you want to do less of in 2020?
- What is something you’d like to get better at in 2020?
Do you have a special tradition for welcoming a new year? Tell us about it in the comments!
1 comment
Lovely blog. Hoping you are enjoying my old stomping grounds! Wish though you were still in Muddy Pond