Wear Daily Inspiration With Our New Leather Bracelet Cuffs

Wear Daily Inspiration With Our New Leather Bracelet Cuffs

We’re all in need of a little more inspiration. In the past year of working together, we’ve focused hard on the goal of encouraging “community over competition” amongst women. Between the two of us, it hasn’t always been easy. We’re both really competitive and we always have been. To be completely honest, we’ve had moments of failing in this mission to not rival with each other.

Many of us were raised that only one person can be “powerful” at one time. But we’d like to believe that we can all be equally powerful together. One woman’s win doesn’t diminish another woman’s accomplishments!

We want to fully support each other’s wins.

We want to support YOUR wins.

Introducing Our New Leather Cuff Bracelets

These bad boys are more than just a fashion accessory. They’re wearable inspiration.

You’ve had moments when you felt invincible and capable of doing anything.

And then somewhere in the throes of life, you lost it. Sometimes you got it back, but sometimes you didn’t. Your experiences have refined you and taught you many things, but more often than not you might find yourself turning away from your dream. You might find yourself wondering why you thought you could. You might feel like it’s not worth trying again.

You might wonder if you really “have it in you”.

But you’re not willing to let your abilities go to waste — not a chance.

Wear Your Inspiration

That’s why we created our leather cuff bracelets — because we want you to be able to wear a reminder that actually, you CAN. You can be fearless. You can do the hard things. You can support other women and be supported in return.

Whether you’re wearing a bracelet cuff with an empowering phrase on it or our minimal black leather bracelet, you’ll feel inspired to be who you were created to be: capable, creative, inspired, compassionate and beautiful.

We believe in you.

We want you to believe in you, too.

Shop “Be Fearless”.
Shop “Actually, I can.”
Shop our minimal, black bracelet cuff.

Photo Credit: Nancy Center Photography
Artist: Karen Crawford

The post Wear Daily Inspiration With Our New Leather Bracelet Cuffs appeared first on Urban Southern.

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With respect !!!


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